Monday, February 13, 2012

Valentine's Day

For our first Valentine's Day as a married couple, Miles and I wanted what every newlywed couple with a two year old and a three week old wants- one full night of uninteruppted sleep. We planned to book a hotel room with a jacuzzi, and after a movie, dinner, and long soak in the hot tub, we were going to have a romantic, sexless night of SLEEP! BLISS!!

The plan was for my aunt to keep Annabelle (the two year old), and for my parents to keep Alana (the newborn). My aunt lives with my grandparents, and my Grandma ended up in the hospital that week. My aunt still wanted to keep Annabelle, though, so that was great. I decided, however, that I wasn't ready to be away from my newborn for the night yet, even if she was just across the street at my parents house. Besides that, when you have a baby, you kind of know what you're getting into with the whole sleepless nights thing, and I didn't think it fair to just pawn her off on my parents for our selfish want of sleep. Then we decided that we didn't want to spend the money on a hotel room, and we had a couple of movies at home that we had yet to see, so we would just stay home and relax. Our big plan was quickly diminishing, but that was ok. I'd been craving sushi, though, and we were in town to drop Annabelle off at my aunt's and visit my Grandma in the hospital. We decided to try a sushi place we hadn't been to before. We dropped Annabelle off, and she would not tell us goodbye, no hugs, no kiss, no nothing. We left, talking about how she is too young to be shunning us already. We got a block down the road and my heart stopped--


Yes, we had forgotten the baby.

Terrible, I know.

I called my aunt right away, and Miles turned the truck around. When I told my aunt we had forgotten the baby, she said, 'WHAT?!', and then started laughing. She hadn't noticed either!
We had left her in her car seat, ready to go. Before we left, I was going to grab her, but then decided to ask Miles to grab her instead. I forgot. He forgot. We forgive ourselves. My aunt said that she wouldn't tell anyone....

So I decided to blog about it.